
Vivado HLS を使ってみた(その4) [FPGA]

#define	fw	12

YCbCr rgb2ycbcr(RGB s)
    YCbCr    d;

    const ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> cY [3] = { 0.2126f,  0.7152f,  0.0722f };
    const ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> cCb[3] = {-0.1146f, -0.3854f,  0.5000f };
    const ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> cCr[3] = { 0.5000f, -0.4542f, -0.0458f };
    const ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> op5    = 0.5f * dat;
    const ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> llim   = 0.0f;
    const ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> ulim   = (float)(dat-1);

    ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> R,G,B;
    ap_fixed<2+dw+fw, fw, AP_RND_CONV, AP_SAT> Y,Cb,Cr;

    R = s.R;
    G = s.G;
    B = s.B;

    Y  = cY [0] * R + cY [1] * G + cY [2] * B;
    Cb = cCb[0] * R + cCb[1] * G + cCb[2] * B + op5;
    Cr = cCr[0] * R + cCr[1] * G + cCr[2] * B + op5;

    if (Y  < llim) Y  = llim;    if (ulim < Y ) Y  = ulim;
    if (Cb < llim) Cb = llim;    if (ulim < Cb) Cb = ulim;
    if (Cr < llim) Cr = llim;    if (ulim < Cr) Cr = ulim;

    d.Y  = Y;
    d.Cb = Cb;
    d.Cr = Cr;

    return d;


C Synthesisをかけてみます。
== Vivado HLS Report for 'rgb2ycbcr'
* Date:

* Version:        2013.1
* Project:        rgb2ycbcr
* Solution:       solution1
* Product family: zynq zynq_fpv6 
* Target device:  xc7z020clg484-1

== Performance Estimates
+ Timing (ns): 
    * Summary: 
    |  Clock  | Target | Estimated| Uncertainty|
    |default  |  100.00|     24.80|       12.50|

+ Latency (clock cycles): 
    * Summary: 
    |  Latency  |  Interval | Pipeline|
    | min | max | min | max |   Type  |
    |    0|    0|    1|    1|   none  |

    + Detail: 
        * Instance: 

        * Loop: 

== Utilization Estimates
* Summary: 
|       Name      | BRAM_18K| DSP48E|   FF   |  LUT  |
|Expression       |        -|      7|       0|    372|
|FIFO             |        -|      -|       -|      -|
|Instance         |        -|      -|       -|      -|
|Memory           |        -|      -|       -|      -|
|Multiplexer      |        -|      -|       -|      -|
|Register         |        -|      -|       -|      -|
|ShiftMemory      |        -|      -|       -|      -|
|Total            |        0|      7|       0|    372|
|Available        |      280|    220|  106400|  53200|
|Utilization (%)  |        0|      3|       0|   ~0  |

+ Detail: 
    * Instance: 

    * Memory: 

    * FIFO: 

    * Shift register: 

    * Expression: 
    |       Variable Name      | Operation| DSP48E| FF| LUT| Bitwidth P0| Bitwidth P1|
    |r_V_13_fu_246_p2          |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|           8|
    |r_V_17_fu_342_p2          |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|           7|
    |r_V_8_fu_140_p2           |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|          10|
    |r_V_9_fu_154_p2           |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|           8|
    |r_V_fu_130_p2             |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|           7|
    |rhs_V_2_cast_fu_256_p2    |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|          10|
    |rhs_V_4_cast_fu_360_p2    |     *    |      1|  0|   0|          18|          10|
    |p_Val2_11_fu_336_p2       |     +    |      0|  0|  18|          18|          18|
    |p_Val2_17_fu_440_p2       |     +    |      0|  0|  18|          18|          18|
    |p_Val2_5_fu_232_p2        |     +    |      0|  0|  18|          18|          18|
    |r_V_10_fu_164_p2          |     +    |      0|  0|  28|          28|          28|
    |r_V_11_fu_174_p2          |     +    |      0|  0|  28|          28|          28|
    |r_V_15_fu_272_p2          |     +    |      0|  0|  28|          28|          28|
    |Cb_V_fu_466_p3            |  Select  |      0|  0|  18|           1|          12|
    |Cr_V_fu_480_p3            |  Select  |      0|  0|  18|           1|          12|
    |Y_V_fu_452_p3             |  Select  |      0|  0|  18|           1|          12|
    |qb_assign_1_fu_222_p2     |    and   |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |qb_assign_3_fu_326_p2     |    and   |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |qb_assign_5_fu_430_p2     |    and   |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |r_1_fu_306_p2             |   icmp   |      0|  0|  10|           9|           1|
    |r_2_fu_410_p2             |   icmp   |      0|  0|  10|           9|           1|
    |r_fu_202_p2               |   icmp   |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |tmp_2_fu_460_p2           |   icmp   |      0|  0|  22|          18|          12|
    |tmp_4_fu_474_p2           |   icmp   |      0|  0|  22|          18|          12|
    |tmp_9_fu_446_p2           |   icmp   |      0|  0|  22|          18|          12|
    |brmerge_i62_i1_fu_320_p2  |    or    |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |brmerge_i62_i2_fu_424_p2  |    or    |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |brmerge_i62_i_fu_216_p2   |    or    |      0|  0|   2|           1|           1|
    |r_V_16_fu_278_p2          |    xor   |      0|  0|  40|          28|          29|
    |r_V_21_fu_382_p2          |    xor   |      0|  0|  40|          28|          29|
    |Total                     |          |      7|  0| 372|         402|         337|

    * Multiplexer: 

    * Register: 

== Interface
* Summary: 
|        RTL Ports       | Dir | Bits|  Protocol  |  Source Object  |    C Type    |
|ap_start                |  in |    1| ap_ctrl_hs |    rgb2ycbcr    | return value |
|ap_done                 | out |    1| ap_ctrl_hs |    rgb2ycbcr    | return value |
|ap_idle                 | out |    1| ap_ctrl_hs |    rgb2ycbcr    | return value |
|ap_ready                | out |    1| ap_ctrl_hs |    rgb2ycbcr    | return value |
|agg_result_Y_V          | out |    8|   ap_vld   |  agg_result_Y_V |    pointer   |
|agg_result_Y_V_ap_vld   | out |    1|   ap_vld   |  agg_result_Y_V |    pointer   |
|agg_result_Cb_V         | out |    8|   ap_vld   | agg_result_Cb_V |    pointer   |
|agg_result_Cb_V_ap_vld  | out |    1|   ap_vld   | agg_result_Cb_V |    pointer   |
|agg_result_Cr_V         | out |    8|   ap_vld   | agg_result_Cr_V |    pointer   |
|agg_result_Cr_V_ap_vld  | out |    1|   ap_vld   | agg_result_Cr_V |    pointer   |
|s_R_V                   |  in |    8|   ap_none  |      s_R_V      |    scalar    |
|s_G_V                   |  in |    8|   ap_none  |      s_G_V      |    scalar    |
|s_B_V                   |  in |    8|   ap_none  |      s_B_V      |    scalar    |

Image 015.pngImage 016.png

   Number of DSP48E1s                        9 out of 220     4%
   Number of External IOBs                  55 out of 200    27%
      Number of LOCed IOBs                   0 out of 55      0%

   Number of Slices                         18 out of 13300   1%
   Number of Slice Registers                 0 out of 106400  0%
      Number used as Flip Flops              0
      Number used as Latches                 0
      Number used as LatchThrus              0

   Number of Slice LUTS                     60 out of 53200   1%
   Number of Slice LUT-Flip Flop pairs      60 out of 53200   1%

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